I'm glad to welcome you to my gaming blog! There isn't much up just yet, as I'm only getting started. But in the future, I hope to share a bunch of useful content about various board games. Currently, my plan is to include board game reviews, analysis of board games I particularly enjoy, and maybe share some of my attempts at creating my own board games. I'll probably maintain a Top 5 or Top 10 that will shift as time goes on. Things like that.
I'll be honest: none of what I write here will be groundbreaking. Everyone else has Top 10 lists about their games, there are various other people and sites that do game reviews (and likely do them better than me!), and for any analysis I offer of games like Star Wars Armada or Twilight Imperium, there are already a ton of other people with way more experience sharing their own insight.
Despite all of that, these are things I like to discuss, and so why not have my own tiny corner of the internet in which to do just that? If you find some of what I share useful, then great! If not, no worries! I'm sure what I share won't be for everyone. But I hope you'll check back every now and again and give "Goblin, Lead Them Up and Down" a shot!
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