General Romodi Fleet - Collateral Damage
Let's start with the list itself, shall we? Quick note: If you're familiar with the most excellent Armada Fleets Designer app, then you'll be familiar with the format of the fleet list. If not, then you should know that the numbers in the parentheses next to the fleet name are as follows - number of points invested in squadrons/total number of fleet points/maximum number of fleet points.
Collateral Damage (74/398/400)
Onager-class Star Destroyer (110 + 53: 163)
· General Romodi (20)
· Intel Officer (7)
· Weapons Battery Techs (5)
· Gunnery Chief Varnillian (6)
· H9 Turbolasers (8)
· Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers (7)
Victory II-class Star Destroyer (85 + 22: 107)
· Gunnery Team (7)
· Disposable Capacitors (3)
· Heavy Ion Emplacements (9)
· Harrow (3)
Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier (54)
Boba Fett (26)
Dengar (20)
Mauler Mithel (15)
Tempest Squadron (13)
Ion Storm
Asteroid Tactics
Welp. I promised to share the bad fleet ideas with you as well as the good or moderately interesting. This is definitely one of the bad ones in my collection. I've never tried it, but I had thought about what it would mean to have multiple sources of splash damage. Also, I've never built a fleet with General Romodi before. I've seen him used decently well, but he's just never held a lot of interest for me personally. The only build I've made with an Onager features a riff on the Tarquitens archetype, and while I've always liked the idea of using Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers (SCBT), it gets more expensive than using Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons (OBPC) because of the cost of the card as well as the fact that you're more likely to use the Onager Star Destroyer with the former rather than the Testbed with the latter. Plus, you lose distance on extreme range. It feels like all downside for a lot of reasons. Anyway, to do collateral damage, this was the Onager and the superweapon upgrade I needed. I also need to ensure I'm hitting on those crits, so all of the upgrades on this ship are focused on that. If I'm dealing with a ship that has Evades or Scatters, Intel Officer ensures I force that defense token burn if I don't have any Accuracies. H9 Turbolasers, of course, basically ensure I get at least one Accuracy. Gunnery Chief Varnillian helps keep my dice predictable and useful on any roll, while Weapons Battery Techs can take a native Accuracy or an H9 Accuracy, and turn it into a much-needed crit. It's WAY too much investment in ensuring that my little weapon goes off, but since that's the linchpin of the fleet, it's just how I built it.

Of course, I've now spent 163 of my 400 points on this one ship that has a bunch of vulnerabilities. So, like I said, know, not great. So I pile on! I've added a Victory II with Disposable Capacitors and Heavy Ion Emplacements (HIE) so I can do collateral damage to a ship's shields with a blue crit (in keeping with the theme of the fleet). Not really sure what I was thinking when I built this fleet, honestly, since this Vic has absolutely NO dice mitigation. If I don't just roll a blue crit natively, then nothing happens. So...yeah.
Then a Quasar I with NO UPGRADES to push my squadrons focused on, that's right, collateral damage. I see no flaws in this plan. Oof. I can't remember when I built this, but I'm guessing this is where I gave up on the idea, but kept building the fleet. You ever do that? You have an idea, realize it's not working out halfway through the build, but you just phone in the rest of the build anyway? No? Just me? Okay, then!
The squadron game makes sense, but is disjointed. Boba Fett spreads the love around just by activating, Dengar gives friendly squadrons Counter so they can spread the love when they get attacked, "Mauler" Mithel does damage to everyone nearby when he lands, and Tempest is in there to shield the juicier targets in my little squadron screen.
Normally, I'd discuss the objectives next, but honestly, this is a terrible list and nobody should fly it.
"Then why'd you bother posting it?"
Because this is part of the process, right? We all have bad ideas, and with the convenience of fleet builder apps, we have the luxury of at least building this nonsense that could never work. But that's never the stuff we share online because why would we? It's not like we're offering a useful fleet, we've not discovered something that works, and I sure feel dumb unveiling this list that has no synergy with anything other than the name I gave it. But it's part of the process. If any of us hit on an amazing list off the bat, it's either luck, or the result of years of experience with the game and theory-crafting. But it's okay to build garbage fleets sometimes! I'm never going to fly this thing, but I built it, so I'm sharing it. Maybe I re-examine it and figure out how I'd like to overhaul it to make the concept work, maybe I don't. Maybe you see something in here that triggers a totally wild and different idea that works for you. I don't know! But it costs me nothing but my pride to post this nonsense up and share it.
Be excellent to one another, and please, for the love of God, don't fly this nonsense!
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