Kraken Fleet - The Dread Pirate Roberts

 Kraken Fleet - The Dread Pirate Roberts

Let's start with the list itself, shall we? Quick note: If you're familiar with the most excellent Armada Fleets Designer app, then you'll be familiar with the format of the fleet list. If not, then you should know that the numbers in the parentheses next to the fleet name are as follows - number of points invested in squadrons/total number of fleet points/maximum number of fleet points.

The Dread Pirate Roberts (74/400/400)


Star Frigate (73 + 34: 107)

· Wat Tambor (5)

· Electronic Countermeasures (7)

· Heavy Ion Emplacements (9)

· Battle Droid Reserves (4)

· Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)

· Tide of Progress XII (2)

Battle Refit (52 + 48: 100)

· Kraken (30)

· T-series Tactical Droid (4)

· Electronic Countermeasures (7)

· Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)

Battle Refit (52 + 11: 63)

· T-series Tactical Droid (4)

· Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)

Transport (47 + 9: 56)

· Parts Resupply (3)

· Beast of Burden (6)

Phlac-Arphocc Prototypes (19)

5 x Tri-Fighter Squadron (5 x 11)

Ion Storm

Fire Lanes

Volatile Deposits

The goal here is to have one giant Dread Pirate Roberts who can go in there, get lit up, and still survive (whilst also leaving no survivors). I'm sure there are better choices for that particular "Andre the Giant" ship now that the Providence is out and the Recusant is forthcoming. But I built this list when the only things released were the Separatist starters and squadron packs. But I'll also be the first to say I've not tried this fleet yet.

The Munificent has a bunch of tech attached to it that, ideally, help keep it alive. Between Wat Tambor stealing shields from other ships, ECMs ensuring I can use my few precious defense tokens, Battle Droid Reserves (BDR) and Tide of Progress mitigating incoming damage cards, it should last long enough to do a little bit of damage. It's equipped with Heavy Ion Emplacements and Linked Turbolaser Towers, as well. The former is to take advantage of the crit handed out by Kraken, and the latter is to help fix any other errant dice I throw.

Hooray! I'm going pew-pewing in my tank!

I've got a Hardcell Transport in there with Parts Resupply and the Beast of Burden title to back up my Tide of Progress by refreshing its defense tokens and showering it with engineering tokens so it can refresh the cards it needs to refresh. That said, I know I've got 3 cards that require engineering tokens to refresh, and so this is probably a pretty poor build already. After all, even with decent token generation, I can still only spend one token a turn to refresh one card a turn. But I also think BDR and Tide of Progress are worth having there even if I only use them once. And I like the direction in which this fleet is being built, even if I'm absolutely not of the belief that I got this build right on the first go-round.

The remaining two Hardcells are sporting T-series Tactical Droids so they can do two things in a turn, and LTT so I can help fix dice beyond what Kraken does for them. As Kraken is actually on one of these Hardcells, that one is also gifted ECMs to afford my commander a little more protection.

The squadrons are straight-up about protecting my ships, hence all the Tri-fighters. Nothing creative about this screen; I just think Tri-fighters are terrific squadrons. And if they toss the occasional black die at ships, I'm not mad about it. I can tell just how early this build is because I've got Phlac-Arphocc Prototypes in there instead of DIS. Don't mistake me: I like both aces! But unless I have a specific plan for choosing Phlac-Arphocc over DIS, there's no reason to pay two additional points for it over DIS, who is easier to leverage with less risk.

As to the objective suite, I took objectives like Ion Storm and Volatile Deposits because they both grant me special crit abilities, which makes sense with Kraken, obviously. Plus, both score me points. With all of the red dice I've got, I chose Fire Lanes. I suspect that was a placeholder objective at best, given that none of my ships are comfortable camping out on tokens, and none of my squadrons have strategic, and therefore can't move the tokens around. As I said previously, I like the idea behind the fleet, but have a bunch of changes I'd need to make if I *really* wanted to make it work. Changing at least my Defense Objective would definitely be on the list of changes I'd need to make.
