Luminara Unduli Fleet - Lumi Swarm

 Luminara Unduli Fleet - Lumi Swarm

Let's start with the list itself, shall we? Quick note: If you're familiar with the most excellent Armada Fleets Designer app, then you'll be familiar with the format of the fleet list. If not, then you should know that the numbers in the parentheses next to the fleet name are as follows - number of points invested in squadrons/total number of fleet points/maximum number of fleet points.

Lumi Swarm (75/396/400)


Acclamator I-class (66 + 33: 99)

· Luminara Unduli (25)

· Boosted Comms (4)

· Implacable (4)

Pelta-class Transport Frigate (45 + 13: 58)

· Munitions Resupply (3)

· Projection Experts (6)

· FB-88 (4)

Charger c70 (45 + 10: 55)

· Reserve Hangar Deck (3)

· Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)

Charger c70 (45 + 10: 55)

· Reserve Hangar Deck (3)

· Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)

Pelta-class Transport Frigate (45 + 9: 54)

· Munitions Resupply (3)

· Projection Experts (6)

Axe (17)

2 x Delta-7 Aethersprite Squadron (2 x 17)

2 x V-19 Torrent Squadron (2 x 12)

Opening Salvo

Asteroid Tactics

Infested Fields

I hadn't really considered a swarm fleet before because I'm always so short on points. But for some reason, I thought this was worth the attempt. I'll obviously have to be light on upgrades, and there won't be room for a Venator because I'll need anti-squadron tech without loading down all my ships with Flak Guns. I put Luminara on Implacable along with Boosted Comms. I figure the Boosted Comms will give me a little space to breathe while still pushing my squadron screen. It might be risky to put Luminara on Implacable, since that ship will be sacrificing shields to protect other ships and squadrons, but I figure if I don't fly it too aggressively and I cover it with some shield refreshment, then the Acclamator is the best place for Luminara because it's the ship best equipped to survive.

Yeeeaaahhhhh, there's like a 78% chance that the Acclamator ends up being her tomb...

To support such an endeavor, I have two Peltas, each with Projection Experts. They are both equipped with Munitions Resupply so that I've got a little more dice control. One is sporting the FB-88 title so that if it needs to make an emergency change over to an Engineering command dial, it can. Then I've got two Consular Chargers with identical upgrades. Reserve Hangar Deck (RHD) will help keep my V-19s ticking, and TRC...well, I'm not honestly sure that's the right choice. Linked Turbolaser Towers is definitely the safer bet, given that Consulars only have one Evade token. But I'm willing to try it out with Luminara to see if I can throw some red dice, use TRC, then use Luminara's ability to refresh the Evade. I'm not sure the timing will all work out well enough for it to be used regularly or anything, but I'd like to try it.

The squadron choices will probably shift around when I actually get to fly this and diagnose its weaknesses. But Axe felt like a good choice to take advantage of Luminara's ability, and then I needed a couple of non-unique V-19s to use RHD. But I also thought it would be fun to include a couple of Aethersprites that the V-19s could Escort, as they pose a bigger threat to enemy fighters. I don't love the uneven number, since it doesn't get me an extra deployment. But at present, my ships are as cheap as I'm comfortable making them, so I'll need to fly this hunk of junk before making any more changes.

I've got five ships, so Opening Salvo is worth a shot, I think! Asteroid Tactics with Luminara just seems like a really good idea. Especially with my Chargers running TRCs. And finally, my "safe choice" of Infested Fields because I've got squadrons.
