Obi-Wan Kenobi Fleet - Cross Direction
Let's start with the list itself, shall we? Quick note: If you're familiar with the most excellent Armada Fleets Designer app, then you'll be familiar with the format of the fleet list. If not, then you should know that the numbers in the parentheses next to the fleet name are as follows - number of points invested in squadrons/total number of fleet points/maximum number of fleet points.
Cross Direction (93/392/400)
Venator I-class Star Destroyer (90 + 41: 131)
· Obi-Wan Kenobi (28)
· Clone Captain Zak (5)
· All Fighters, Follow Me! (5)
· Flag Bridge (0)
· Tranquility (3)
· Mercy Mission (0)
Acclamator I-class (66 + 4: 70)
· Clone Navigation Officer (4)
Pelta-class Transport Frigate (45 + 8: 53)
· Bomber Command Center (8)
Armed Cruiser (37 + 8: 45)
· Engine Techs (8)
Kit Fisto (26)
Delta-7 Aethersprite Squadron (17)
2 x ARC-170 Starfighter Squadron (2 x 15)
2 x BTL-B Y-wing Squadron (2 x 10)
Station Assault
Contested Outpost
Doomed Station
Not to overstate the obvious, but this is an objective-based fleet. But I really wanted to avoid something akin to Fish Farm wherein I don't really play the game, and my opponent has no choice but to rush me. That can be effective, but it's not fun for either party, and honestly, I think such a build breeds resentment. Awhile back, someone I was playing against was going first and chose Abandoned Mining Facility as an objective. I was flying Tarkin, so scoring objective points off of a dust cloud near me was ridiculously easy. So I sat there and mined the cloud while he had no choice but to come to me. His ships couldn't hit me until they were really close (courtesy of the cover provided by the dust cloud), and then they basically approached single file to try and go around the cloud. Each of them basically went through the chipper. It was frustrating for him, and it felt like a chore way more than it felt like playing a game.
So this fleet is meant to have a forward force that will engage while someone babysits the objective. Clearly, the Consular is the one that will remain back and babysit the Contested Outpost or Doomed Station. Then, when the objective is being threatened, the Consular will put the pedal to the metal and make for the enemy's deployment zone post haste in order to score 40 points off of Mercy Mission. All of that is the plan, anyway. In the case of Station Assault, the entire fleet will move forward rather than sit on the station.
The Venator is obviously the centerpiece of that forward force. It'll work with the Acclamator to push those squadrons. If there are enemy squadrons, the Deltas and ARCs will have to do their best to engage and clear a path for the Y-Wings. Kit will help ensure my squadrons don't get locked down by a single ace that I can't kill or some other such nonsense. If there are no enemy squadrons, the ARCs and Y-Wings will get to work on bombing, aided by All Fighters, Follow Me! Tranquility is just always a good title to get every last bit out of my shields before blowing up, and while I couldn't fit SPHA-T on here, I'm glad I could at least put Clone Captain Zak on there so that my side arc is also a threat.
My hope is that Obi-Wan will help protect everyone while they try and do their jobs, so the remainder of the forward force is minimally outfitted. The Acclamator has Clone Navigation Officer because it will be pushing squadrons anyway, so it might as well leverage that to toss a Squadron token over to Tranquility to fuel AFFM! The Pelta has Bomber Command Center to support the ARCs and Y-Wings should they get to enemy ships and start throwing dice.
And that's basically it! The forward force engages while the Consular scores points. I've got Kit in there to provide Grit to other squadrons so that my screen coverage is more flexible. The rest of the squadrons are generics because that's what I could afford. I have no idea if this works once an opponent has seen it once, but it seems like a more fun and interesting way to play "an objective fleet" than a lot of the ones I've seen, so I'm willing to give it a shot! So why the fleet name? I was thinking a lot about misdirection with this fleet, but didn't want to call it that because it felt like it was too on the nose. So I sort of looked into it and learned that while magicians use misdirection, that's not what they call it: they simply call it "direction." It makes sense! After all, "misdirection" almost sounds like a mistake. But the person utilizing such a tactic are absolutely directing their audience or opponent; they're simply directing those people away from where the action is really happening. Cross Direction came from there because my Consular is certainly set to be at cross purposes with the rest of my fleet.
All of that to say that I couldn't come up with a suitable pun for the fleet name, so I settled for something...practical? Literal? I don't know, something like that...
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