Bagh Chal - An Introduction
Game Specs
- Advertised Player Count: 2
- *Actual* Player Count: Much like chess, 2 players is an accurate player count!
- Playing Time: 20 minutes
- Age: 8+
- Premise: This is an abstract strategy game from Nepal, featuring 20 goat pieces and 4 tiger tokens. The player controlling the tiger tokens is trying to capture 5 goat tokens; the player controlling the goat tokens is trying to trap all 4 tiger tokens.
So I need to start by saying I only backed this game for two reasons: the first is that the Nepalese game is on the verge of extinction, which is a thing that makes me sad. The second is that the campaign was literally "pay what you can." The folks who started this campaign are giving away Bagh Chal sets in order to keep the game alive, which I think is a fantastic endeavor. So honestly, I backed the campaign simply because it was more than a reasonable price to pay to contribute to the notion of keeping the memory of this game alive. I figured if I didn't like the game, I'd have been perfectly happy to just give it to someone else and be on my merry way, having done my good deed.
Turns out I needn't have planned that latter bit, as I really like the game and I'm happy to keep it! It's fun, it's quick, it exists between checkers and chess (I specifically pick those two games because they're probably the most frequently referenced abstract games in America), and it's more easily transportable than most games I own. It's very easy to teach and learn, which is also very nice! While the game need not need any "fancy" components, the components in my version of the game are solid and very nice to play with. There's a depth of strategy here I've not scratched just yet, particularly because that depth broadens depending on one's opponent. I look forward to exploring it further and think it'll make a fine addition to any game collection for any type of gamer, casual or diehard!
Bottom Line: I'm so glad I backed this and I love my little Bagh Chal kit! I think it's the kind of game one can keep in their pocket while traveling and play at any given time in nearly any given space. If you have an opportunity to submit a late pledge for your own copy, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to do so!
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