Separatists - Marie Laveau & Her Firespray
Can you tell I'm excited about Rapid Reinforcements? Can you can you can you?
Marie Laveau & Her Firespray
(8) Aurra Sing [Firespray-class Patrol Craft]
(8) Proximity Mines
(3) False Transponder Codes
(2) Electronic Baffle
(5) Notorious
(0) Slave I
Points: 8
(4) Volan Das [Droid Tri-Fighter]
(3) False Transponder Codes
(4) Mag-Pulse Warheads
(5) Notorious
Points: 4
(5) Chertek [Nantex-class Starfighter]
(10) Ensnare
(4) Gravitic Deflection
Points: 5
(3) DBS-32C [Hyena-class Droid Bomber] Siege of Coruscant
(0) Landing Struts
**Plasma Torpedoes
**Contingency Protocol
**Strut-Lock Override
Points: 3
Total points: 20
I'm hopeful we get a Rapid Reinforcements II (and beyond) for Star Wars Armada, too, because I just think it's a really terrific way of releasing new content. Not exclusively, mind you, but relatively quickly and with a low lift. I'm a huge fan. Anyway! I love Aurra Sing's ability. The range bubble isn't big or anything, but being able to move orange and red tokens between two enemy ships is pretty cool. So naturally, I am looking for ways to get those orange and red tokens on my opponent's ships in the first place in order to be moved. Now feels like a good time to remind folks that despite the length of time over which I've played this game, I have played it so infrequently that I'm still very much a novice at the game. I can grasp a decent amount of it, but there are big gaps in my knowledge and I need a lot more time at the table to feel confident in my play. It's not a bad thing! Just being honest about it. I bring it up now because while moving red and orange tokens around on enemy ships is a neat trick, I still need to kill said ships, right? So while this squad is absolutely built around the various nasty little tokens I can put on my opponents for Aurra to play with, I still need enough firepower to finish the job so this isn't just a gimmick.
There's a "voodoo doll" element to this squad, given the tokens that I want to inflict on my opponents with Aurra orchestrating those afflictions at the center of it all. Hence the squad name. I already enjoy False Transponder Codes as a way to mess with plans, but it's even more useful with Aurra because proximity is also a threat to whoever Aurra hits with the Jamming token. I'm not necessarily attached to Notorious, but this feels like a good addition to Aurra because she's a big target and will be defending often, plus I get to distribute Strain tokens. Much like Notorious, I'm not attached to Proximity Mines; in this case, I'm mostly just trying them out. If I don't like them, I'll probably swap them out for Seismic Charges. I might try Ion Bombs (ooo, more tokens for Aurra to move around!), but I'm probably more likely to roll with something that does damage like Seismic Charges or Concussion Bombs. They're cheaper, too, which means I can pick a Modification upgrade that isn't Electronic Baffle. I've got the hull on the Firespray that it might help me in a pinch, but I've mostly taken it because it's what I've got the points for.
My next choice feels like an easy one: I need a Geonosian in my squad. Someone who can distribute Tractor tokens. I end up going with Chertek because he's two points cheaper than Sun Fac and Aurra Sing is already eating up the bulk of my squad budget. Chertek gets Ensnare and Gravitic Deflection because that's a fairly standard loadout for him. Cool - done.
Volan Das, that's who's next. He feels like a really strong choice in this build, given his ability to hand out Strain tokens (his native ability that lets him hand out a Strain token and his ability to take Notorious for more Strain tokens) as well as his capacity for equipping False Transponder Codes. Honestly, this is probably a poor build, since I've gone all in on red and orange tokens by including Mag-Pulse Warheads to round out Volan Das' loadout, but God, it's so much disruption. Even if I don't like him in this squad build because I can't deal out enough damage for any of the token generation to be meaningful, this feels like such a mean build in a lot of other squads.
Finally, I'm pretty sure I originally took DFS-311 because I like its ability and needed something that only cost me 3 points. But upon sharing my list with my buddy Josh, he said: "Another thing to consider in that 3-point slot would be the Siege of Coruscant DBS-32C. That could be fun hijinks for Aurra." And yep, he's absolutely right. I just hadn't even considered it, but the red Jam ability on DBS-32C alone is really cool. Obviously, Contingency Protocol doesn't do anything for me in this squad, but that's okay; Plasma Torpedoes and Strut-Lock Override should both prove to be pretty useful in addition to 32C's native abilities.
I was just messing around in the builder to mess around, mainly because I already have a squad I really want to try out and I plan on using in my next match, whenever that may be. But now that I've built this, honestly, I kinda can't wait to use it. Now I just have to carve out the time to play!
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